VBS Follow-up
Almost as important as promotion is the subsequent follow up. Your congregation just had an amazing week of Vacation Bible School. Everyone is feeling edified and uplifted by the lessons, songs, and activities. A number of non-member children attended and it was exhilarating to watch them learn about God and what He has done for them. Now what? Following up on your new non-member contacts will ensure them that your congregation is welcoming and eager to serve them with God’s Word.
VBS Sunday Service
Consider scheduling a specially Vacation Bible School themed worship service on the Sunday that follows your week of VBS. Perhaps the pastor’s sermon could serve as the final lesson of the week, while the other Scripture readings and hymns could summarize the week’s lessons. At some point during the service, invite the children of VBS to come forward and sing one of the songs they learned during the week. All this will help to show parents just how valuable and effective weekly worship can be.
Take Home Letter / Gift Bag
Be sure to send each child home with a letter to the parents inviting them to your church. Be sure to see the example letter on the “VBS Helper Page.” A small gift bag with Bible-themed materials (pencils, paper, stickers, etc) and maybe a few treats can also go a long way in leaving a positive impression upon the children and parents.
Personal Invitation Next Year
It’s very important to keep an accurate record of names and contact information for each child who attended your VBS, especially the non-member children. Next year when it comes time to advertise for VBS again, you will have a head start in bringing back the children who attended previously. A personal invitation to next year’s VBS will show the children and parents that your church remembers and cares about them.
Vacation Bible School is one of the simplest and best evangelism efforts in which our congregations can participate. Even if with all your promotion efforts, only a few children attend, it’s still a more than worthwhile endeavor. Every little lamb matters, so don’t forget to follow up! At Vacation Bible School the littlest lambs are being fed the nourishing words of God which are able to make them wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. May God grant all our congregations the blessing of hosting a VBS each summer.
If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked With the Judgment’s dread alarms,
You can lead the little children To the Savior’s waiting arms.
TLH 496:2