Bible Studies

Let the Lion of Judah Loose — A study on Easter Apologetics
Charles Spurgeon said:
“A great many learned men are defending the gospel; no doubt it is a very proper and right thing to do, yet I always notice that, when there are most books of that kind, it is because the gospel itself is not being preached. Suppose a number of persons were to take it into their heads that they had to defend a lion, a full-grown king of beasts! There he is in the cage, and here come all the soldiers of the army to fight for him. Well, I should suggest to them, if they would not object, and feel that it was humbling to them, that they should kindly stand back, and open the door, and let the lion out! I believe that would be the best way of defending him, for he would take care of himself; and the best ‘apology’ for the gospel is to let the gospel out. Never mind about defending Deuteronomy or the whole of the Pentateuch; preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. Let the Lion out, and see who will dare to approach him. The Lion of the tribe of Judah will soon drive away all his adversaries.”
This study seeks to “loose” the message of the resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ, as given to us through the Bible through 5 lessons:
Lesson 1: Tearing Down Strongholds
Lesson 2: Foundation of our Faith
Lesson 3: The Four Witnesses
Lesson 4: No Body, No Crime
Lesson 5: Science or Supernatural?