VBS Helper Page
Hosting a Vacation Bible School can be a considerable undertaking for a congregation of any size, but the fruits of this labor are invaluable. Besides the obvious benefits of continued Christian education for our member children, there is also the opportunity to reach out to our communities by preaching the gospel to non-member children. Oftentimes, Vacation Bible School can be the first step toward evangelizing and hopefully, instructing a new family with the teachings of God’s Word.
In order for Vacation Bible School to most effectively serve as an evangelism tool, it needs to be promoted beforehand and followed up on afterward. A congregation needs to evaluate its community and determine which promotion strategies to employ to get the children in the church doors, and after the week is over, the congregation needs to do everything possible to remind the non-member families that the doors remain open.
As we investigate this topic, let us remember that without the blessing of the Lord, no strategies will work. Our goal, as given by our Savior, is to preach the Gospel. Any spiritual accomplishments are the work of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual growth in our church or in the Church is up to God. We are to preach the Gospel. It is God alone who receives all glory for any and every successful Vacation Bible School. No matter what, let us commit our plans to the Lord, trusting that his purpose will stand, whatever that may be.
There are many different ways to promote VBS, from traditional flyer handouts to targeted online advertising. Learn how to find the right solution for your congregation.
Following up with your VBS attendees is key, especially for non-members. It will will ensure them that your congregation is welcoming and eager to serve them with God’s Word.
Download sample materials that will help your promotion and follow-up efforts.

New VBS Series: Vibrance of the Son
The CDF has revamped the "Colors of the Church Year" materials and renamed the series to "Vibrance of the Son: Explore the Colors of God's grace!". All materials are ready for your church to pick up and use for your Vacation Bible School series.